Network planning & system design - WG 2021-2



The management and control architecture of distribution networks has been modernized over the last decades to assist with the challenges of supporting DSOs. The evolution has been based on the wider deployment of monitoring and control technologies in the field, particularly in the MV network and, more recently, in the LV network. The planning & design of the future power system will be an issue, especially due to the extremely high penetration of distributed and renewable energy sources, storage and other technologies facilitating energy transition. 
Different and disruptive approaches have been studied, including those based on “Web-ofcells”; “Fractal”; “Transactive Energy”, “Heterarchical”, etc..


The scope proposed for the working group is to analyse the benefits and costs of the several smart grid technologies, practices, and systems, from both top-down and bottom-up perspectives, namely based on case studies. Some examples:
 Distributed architectures: Based on network segmentation, divided into controllable cells;
 Distributed and decentralized control philosophy: Distributed control maintaining the supervision of the centralized network; Dynamic zones defined as a function of controllable assets;
 Flexibility in operation and assets: Integrated management of network assets and flexible resources through market mechanisms;
 Coordinated and predictive operation: Integrated HV, MV and LV network management;
 Ability to anticipate technical problems and identify appropriate preventive actions;
 Self-healing: Decentralized or distributed automation and intelligence for service replacement;
 Observability based on AMI, IoT: Integrated observability HV, MV and LV, comprising sensors and AMI that complement network observability;
Convener :

Alvarez-Herault Marie-Cécile, Grenoble INP - G2Elab, France

Members :

Abdelkader Mohamed Ahmed Sayed Ahmed, Egyptian Electrical Transmission Company, Egypt
Bacciarini Tyler, Primeo Energie, Switzerland
Bouzigon Benoît, Enedis, France
Cai Hui, State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co. LTD., China
Cho Jintae, KEPCO Research Institute, Korea
Debusschere Vincent, G2ELab - Grenoble INP, France
El-Sayed Mohamed Ahmed Hassan, Cairo University, Egypt
Feng Yuyao, State Grid Shanghai Electric Power Research Institute, China
Gruhonjic Ferhatbegovic Seila, PE Elektroprivreda B&H d.d, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Hable Matthias, Sachsen Netze GmbH, Austria
Hendrick Paul, ESB Networks, Ireland
Karawia Hanaa Mahmoud Hassan, Alexandria Electricity Distribution Company, Egypt
Laaksonen Hannu, University of Vaasa, Finland
Maletic Dragan, Vorarlberg Netz, Austria
Müller Sharon, Universität Stuttgart, Germany
Palaniappan Rajkumar, TU Dortmund, Germany
Pastor Ricardo, Centro de Investigação em Energia REN, Portugal
Pilo Fabrizio, University of Cagliari, Italy
Resnik Aleš, Grid Planning at Elektro Ljubljana d.d., Slovenia
Rudion Krzysztof, Universität Stuttgart, Germany
Ruhhütl Martin, KNG-Kärnten Netz GmbH, Austria
Srećković Nevena, Elektro Maribor, Slovenia
Click here to download the final report (ISSN 2684-1088)