
The working group will cover:

  • DC components & solutions, planning issues, operational safety & experience, standardization and regulatory framework;
  • Use Cases:
    • LV and MV distribution networks (≤100 kVDC) use-cases;
    • public networks and industrial, buildings, factories, facilities, or other specialized networks.
  • New, ongoing and demonstration projects will be followed to identify benefits, constraints, lessons learned and action lists. Legal, regulatory, standardization issues will be identified where these either speed up or hamper the development and the large-scale implementation of DC and hybrid AC/DC distribution networks.

The WG will investigate:

  • DC vs AC economic viability, technical challenges, architecture and environmental /sustainability (energy efficiency and usage of sustainable resources) analysis
  • DC and hybrid AC/DC grids issues, such as: resilience, protection, state-of-the-art and roadmap of DC components, metering, DC and hybrid AC/DC grids, interoperability & multivendor solutions
  • How can DC solutions help to promote the energy transition to decarbonisation?
  • Multiterminal DC and hybrid AC/DC grids, interoperability & multivendor solutions
  • DC and AC/DC testing and validation infrastructure/-method


Hakim Azaioud

University of Gent - Belgium

Valentin Ažbe

University of Ljubljana - Slovenia

Pavol Bauer

TU Delft - Netherlands

Graeme Burt

University of Strathclyde - United Kingdom

Jintae Cho

Korea Electric Power Research Institute (KEPRI) - Korea

Jing Dai

Centrale Supélec - France

Nina Fuchs

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology - Austria

Samuel Griot

Nexans - France

Mahmoudreza Haghifam

Tarbiat Modares University - Iran

Gerhard Jambrich

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology - Austria

Ali Kazerooni

Scottish Power Energy Networks - United Kingdom

Jawad Kazmi

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology - Austria

Zhengyu Lin

Aston and Loughborough Universities - United Kingdom

Ahmad Makkieh

University of Strathclyde - United Kingdom

Jesus Circe Muñoz-Cruzado Alba

EC H2020 project TIGON - Spain

Sarah Nasr

EDF - France

Pavel Novak

Schneider Electric - France

Pasi Peltoniemi

Lappeenranta University of Technology - Finland

Rafael Pena Alzola

University of Strathclyde - United Kingdom

Lu Qu

Tsinghua University - China

Raul Rabinovici

Ben Gurion University - Israel

Lina Ruiz

Nexans - France

Maximilian Rose

Schleswig-Holstein Netze - Germany

Stefan Rupp

Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH - Germany

Uwe Schichler

Technical University of Graz - Austria

Hartwig Stammberger

Eaton Bonn - Germany

Harry Stokman

DC Current BV - Netherlands

Jack Wang

Schneider Electric, FranceTundo Alessandro, Nexans - France

Bernd Wunder

Fraunhofer Institute Erlangen - Germany