
The working group will investigate:

  • How to improve customer experience by providing valuable information/services to DSO main stakeholders?
  • Which interfaces between DSO and its stakeholders are needed to reap full benefits of a digital smart grid for all participants in electricity sector?
  • How can emerging technologies deployed by DSO enable the provision of new services and enhance customer engagement?
  • Both technical and regulatory issues will be addressed.


César Javier Arranz Alcaraz

Iberdrola - Spain

Yann Fromont

Schneider Electric - France

Heiner Früh

University of Stuttgart - Germany

Mahmoudreza Haghifam

Tarbiat Modares University - Iran

Seug-Yoon Hyun

Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) - Korea

Václav Janoušek

CEZ Distribuce - Czech Republic

Young Gyu Jin

Jeju National University - Korea

Daniel Kašpar

CEZ Distribuce - Czech Republic

Thomas Kuhn

Enedis - France

Furong Li

University of Bath - United Kingdom

Clara Moura

INESC TEC - Portugal

Boris Njavro

Schneider Electric - Croatia

João Filipe Nunes

EDP Distribuição - Portugal

Mariana Queiroz

EDP Distribuição - Portugal

Krzysztof Rudion

University of Stuttgart - Germany

Tadej Šinkovec

Elektro Ljubljana - Slovenia

Emiliano Soda

CESI - Italy

David Vangulick

ORES - Belgium

Xianyong Xiao

College of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology - China

Martin Zimmerlin

KIT-Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - Germany

Click here to download the final report

WG2018_2_Digital DSO_CIRED_final

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