
The working group will investigate:

  • How DSOs can evaluate network hosting capacity and the value of flexibilities;
  • Possible structure of markets relevant to flexibilities pravided by DER (Distributed Generation, Storage Systems and Active Demand) to DSOs and TSOs;
  • Possible options for information exchange at the different timescales among DER and System Operators (DSOs and TSOs), for the definition of the set of flexibility offers to select and for service activation;
  • Possible options for some key items to be included in contractual arrangements (rights and obligations of parties, duration, penalties in case of failure to deliver the service, performance level evaluation and contrai, … )
  • What are the need and the design of data platforms managed by DSOs to enable flexibility;
  • Which distribution network tariff structures are most apprapriate to allow the development of flexibilities;
  • Which regulatory approaches encourage DSOs innovation and flexibility .

Some relevant existing demonstration projects and studies should be presented including, when available, lessons learned from these projects.


Ricardo Bessa

INESC TEC - Portugal

Benoit Bouzigon

Enedis - France

Matthias Hable

Eenso Netz GmbH - Germany

Mahmoudreza Haghifam

Tarbiat Modares University - Iran

Christoph Imboden

Lucerne School of engineering and architecture - Switzerland

Thomas Kienberger

University of Leoben - Austria

Kyung Soo Kook

Chonbuk National University - Korea

Aleš Krula

PREdistribuce a.s. - Czech Republic

Jukka Lassila

Lappeenranta University of Technology - Finland

Il-Hyung Lim

Power Distribution Research Center - Korea

Alain Malot

Schneider Electric - France

F. David Martín Utrilla

Iberdrola - Spain

Andrea Michiorri

MinesParisTech - France

Florian Rewald

TU Dortmund - Germany

Cho Seongsoo

Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) - Korea

Tadej Šinkovec

Elektro Ljubljana - Slovenia

Sang-Yun Yun

Chonnam National University - Korea

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CIRED WG 2019-3 Final Report

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