

  • Development of advanced algorithms (if necessary, using AI or Machine Learning) to identify anomalies (type of anomaly and place to intervene); determine the most suitable time of day to communicate with each smart meter; detection of network saturation at the data concentrator level.
    Analyse how to guarantee the interoperability and intermutability of PLC technologies (hybrid, upgrade compatibility and between different standards).


  • Analysis of equipment that causes electromagnetic interference.
  • Identification of measures to protect the CENELEC-A frequency range (from 0 to 500kHz), such as identifying potential requirements from manufacturers to prevent electromagnetic interference from spreading within the PLC frequency Spectrum or the possibility of requiring customers/users to allow its correction and in the most complete cases, create some mechanism that requires them to resolve the situation.
  • Analyse the impact of filter usage and consider the possibility of segmenting filters by anomaly type.
  • Standardize repeaters, gateways and PLC filters – best practices and installation solutions.
  • Analysis of crosstalk issues.


Jose Alvarez Lorenzo

E-Redes Distribucion - Portugal

Carlos Henrique Barriquello

UFSM - Brazil

Francesco Cappuccio

CESI - Italy

Jose Manuel Carou Alvarez

E-Redes Distribucion - Portugal

Baoren Chen

China Southern Power Grid - China

Alberto Creuso

E-Distribuzione - Italy

Mohamed Mostafa Dalia

Egyptian Electricity Holding Company - Egypt

Ivan Galić

HEP-Distribution - Croatia

José Carlos Gonçalves

E-Redes - Portugal

Ahmed Hussein

Ministry of Electricity and Energy - Egypt

Ione Leila

E-Redes - Portugal

Petr Musil

Brno University of Technology - Czech Republic

Myunghye Park

Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) - Korea

Tawfek Yosra Ahmad Rashad

South Delta Electricity Distribution Company - Egypt

Oldrich Smida

CEZ Distribuce - Czech Republic