
This working group will develop a benchmark focusing on best practices, use cases and trends involving governance, the detection throught data processing and on-field strategies to support the mitigation of non-technical losses.

The objectives of this WG are:

  • to promote the characterization of NTL across different contexts, by encouraging to share information between DSO, to better understand how different companies and stakeholders address this complex issue,
  • to determine a common set of representative indicators for NTL and
  • review previous work (CIRED Working Group in 2017 “Reduction of Technical and Non Technical Losses in Distribution Networks”) and design an efficient NTL mitigation roadmap, from both analytical and on-field perspective, based on the increasing update of metering infrastructure, growth of processing capabilities (eg. through cloud computing) and new operational tools.


Francesco Cappuccio

CESI - Italy

Shereen Fouad Mahmood El-Senduny

Egyptian Electricity Holding Company - Egypt

Paulo Ferreira

E-Redes - Portugal

Miroslav Hurka

CEZ Distribuce - Czech Republic

Helmy Youssef Keroles

Middle Egytp DisCo - Egypt

Sara Magnusson

Ellevio AB - Sweden

Zoran Milašinović

Elektrodistribucija Srbije - Serbia

Dave Openshaw

EDF Energy - United Kingdom

Igor Podbelšek

Power Research Institute Milan Vidmar Electric - Slovenia

Miguel Pulice

EDENOR - Argentina

Tarek Mohamed Hussein Mohamed Sror

Cairo Electricity Distribution Company - Egypt

David Stajner

E.ON Group - Czech Republic

Arturo Suman-Bretas

G2ELab - Grenoble INP - France

Pedro Terras Marques

E-Redes - Portugal

Thierry Vachon

Enedis - France

Tom Veli

LCP Delta - United Kingdom

Fan Yang

State Grid Shanghai Institute of Electric Sciences - China

Igor Žarkić

HEP-Distribution System Operator Ltd - Croatia