Smart Grids on the Distribution Level – Hype or Vision? [WG 2011-1]
The challenging 20-20-20-agenda of the European Union will strongly and sustainable influence the Energy market in Europe during the next decade. Especially the goal to ”generate 20% of the overall energy consumption in Europe from renewable sources” can only be reached, if the electricity consumption is increased significantly (e.g. by electric vehicles or heat pumps) and the higher consumption is generated substantially by renewable sources. Leading European Utilities expect that the mean electricity consumption of a standard household will increase from about 4.000 kWh per year today up to 12.000 – 15.000 kWh in 2020. Furthermore load peaks during the year will be much more distinct since rapidly changing electricity prices will influence customer’s consumption behavior significantly and much more small “green” generation will feed directly into the distribution level.